Engraving Ideas for Gifts beautiful sayings for birthday presents and wedding gifts, engraved keepsake jewellery. Inspiration for phrases about birthdays, weddings, babies and children for parents, grandparents and other friends and family members. These phrases are also beautiful on cards, posters, clothes and many other uses*. They are inspiration for engraving on a piece of engravable keepsake jewellery (click here). These are some phrases we’ve come across and ideas we have for using beautiful quotes.
Some of the quotes are spiritual, for positivity or inspiration for mental health.
If you’re looking for memorial quotes click here they’re inspiration for engraving too, or for baby and breastfeeding quotes click here.
Engraved Text
Add your text – upper and lower case, numbers and punctuation, Braille and special characters to our engravable jewellery. It will be deep black professional engraving, usually done in Arial font but please let us know if you’d prefer a different font. Perhaps you can choose Roman numerals, birth coordinates (we can find these for you), or messages of love and breastfeeding. Here are some characters you can copy and paste:
❤ ✓ ☀ ☾ ★ ☽ ∞ ♫ 💧🐾
Popular Quotes for Engraving Birthday Gifts and Love
Getting older but not wiser
Unwrap love on your special day
Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you
Loving memories last forever
Love you past the moon ☾
Unbreakable love
Already planning our next trip
Favourite person, favourite place
I love you today, tomorrow, forever
Every day with you is the best day of my life

Engraved Wedding and Engagement Gift Ideas
“Where there is love there is life.” — Mahatma Gandhi from Brides
Legally Yours
My Wish Came True
Soul Mates
I loved you from the start
True love forever
You mean everything to me
Mine forever and ever
You’re my lobster – Friends
I love you today, tomorrow, forever
I promise to handle your heart with care and treasure it with love
Positivity Quotes
Never give up
You are enough
Loved forever
I am a world
It’s the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love – The Lion King
Gifts for Parents and Family Members
I didn’t give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you
No jewel is as perfect as the innocence of childhood
The love in our family flows strong and deep, leaving us memories to treasure and keep
As a single dad I can be just as nurturing, I can give my child everything that they need – Freddy McConnell
Nothing will ever change the fact that you made me a mum/mommy/granny etc
My love, my light, my boy/girl/baby/child

Religious Engraving Ideas
I am the Lord’s

Whither thou goest, I will go -Ruth i:16
Please let me know in the comments below if you have any suggestions for Engraving Ideas for Gifts. You can sign up to this blog in the box below to get an email when there’s a new post and please say if you’ve got any requests.
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